Hair | How I Texlax [Video]

A video on how I texlax / relax has been long overdue as I get daily requests to make this video. It isn't a complicated process but there are a few precautions that you have to take when using a relaxer, as with any chemical process. Certain things are key for me to ensure texlaxed results which I explain in the video. However, my process won't necessarily produce the same results for someone else, even if we have the exact same hair texture naturally. It's that point which I want to stress the most as many of the questions I get tend to be how someone can texlax to get results exactly like mine. A lot of factors come into play when using chemicals unfortunately so this video is more of a guide or may provide some tricks to help with your texlaxing (or relaxing) process.

The Video:

I wanted to be as detailed as possible without this being a super long video, so if there's anything specific you need to know comment below.

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Lesley x